Please provide a 48-hour notice for any cancellations or rescheduling. Canceling or rescheduling after 48 hours before your appointment will result in a charge of 100% of your scheduled service. Missed appointments, no shows, and same-day cancellations will be charged the full amount for the missed appointment. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. We reserve our space and time just for you, last-minute cancellations are very hard to fill. Please note each individual stylist might have their own policy. 

We appreciate your attention to this policy to ensure a serene experience for all our guests


  • For the comfort of all guests, we kindly ask that you attend your appointment alone as our studio has limited space. 
  • To enhance the relaxing atmosphere for everyone, we request that personal devices for entertainment, such as social media or music, be enjoyed with the sound off or through earbuds.
  • For the safety and well-being of all, children with appointments must be supervised in the studio at all times. 
  • If you are feeling unwell or exhibiting any symptoms of illness, we ask that you please reschedule your appointment. You are taking care of yourself and helping us maintain a healthy space for our staff and other clients. 

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.